Whey360 – The multi-nutrient for healthy lifetimes. Nutrilac® MFGM

The multinutrient for healthy lifetimes
Nutritional needs are complex and change through life. However, there is one multinutrient that can meet many needs at any age. It’s called Nutrilac® MFGM – an ingredient rich in high-quality whey proteins and the complex lipids present in milk fat globule membrane (MFGM).  

Here at Arla Foods Ingredients, our protein ingredient with MFGM is well-documented in our portfolio for early life nutrition. However, emerging research has uncovered additional benefits across the lifespan, highlighting gains for brain, immunity, cardiovascular and gut health.  

53% of adults are interested in functional foods1 
These discoveries coincide with an increasing consumer interest in functional foods that provide a clear health benefit. When it comes to their food and beverage choices, 58% of adults globally say they go for products that boost their daily performance, with 56%, 55% and 50% seeking better immunity, gut health and mood/mental energy respectively. 

Nutrilac® MFGM is an opportunity to tap into this trend 
Derived from sweet whey, Nutrilac® MFGM is high in whey protein and healthy lipids, such as phospholipids, and is a source of omega-3 fats, vitamin B12 and choline. The sum of these components is the secret of its nutritional power – and its potential in new functional food products.  

Clinically documented to support health for life 
Clinical studies indicate that MFGM contributes to the development and maintenance of various body functions. 

Table: Documented health effects of MFGM in the infant, child and adult segments. Data from infant clinical and preclinical trials can be found in references 2-14. Data from toddler studies can be found in references 4, 15. Data for adult studies can be found in references 16-22. 

Inspiration for your next dairy product 
As interest grows in the multiple benefits of Nutrilac® MFGM, we’ve developed a series of inspirational applications to demonstrate the potential. Ask about our formulations for beverages, cheese, yoghurt and spreads. 


  1. Health Focus International 2024 Global Topic Report ’Functional benefits: the next nutrition frontier and ingredients consumers seek’
  2. Li, F. et al. Improved Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Associated with Bovine Milk Fat Globule Membrane and Lactoferrin in Infant Formula: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. J. Pediatr. 215, 24-31.e8 (2019). 
  3. Li, X. et al. Feeding Infants Formula With Probiotics or Milk Fat Globule Membrane: A Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial. Front. Pediatr. 7, 1–13 (2019). 
  4. Zavaleta, N. et al. Efficacy of an mfgm-enriched complementary food in diarrhea, anemia, and micronutrient status in infants. J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr. 53, 561–568 (2011). 
  5. Timby, N., Domellöf, E., Hernell, O., Lönnerdal, B. & Domellöf, M. Neurodevelopment, nutrition, and growth until 12 mo of age in infants fed a low-energy, low-proteinformula supplemented with bovine milk fat globule membranes: A randomized controlled trial. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 99, 860–868 (2014) 
  6. Timby, N. et al. Infections in infants fed formula supplemented with bovine milk fat globule membranes. J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr. 60, 384–389 (2015). 
  7. He, X. et al. Fecal microbiome and metabolome of infants fed bovine MFGM supplemented formula or standard formula with breast-fed infants as reference: a randomized controlled trial. Sci. Rep. 9, 1–14 (2019). 
  8. Zhao, J. et al. MFGM components promote gut Bifidobacterium growth in infant and in vitro. Eur. J. Nutr. 61, 277–288 (2022). 
  9. Lee, H. et al. Milk Fat Globule Membrane as a Modulator of Infant Metabolism and Gut Microbiota: A Formula Supplement Narrowing the Metabolic Differences between Breastfed and FormulaFed Infants. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 65, (2021). 
  10. Chichlowski, M. et al. Effect of Bovine Milk Fat Globule Membrane and Lactoferrin in Infant Formula on Gut Microbiome and Metabolome at 4 Months of Age. Curr. Dev. Nutr. 5, nzab027 (2021). 
  11. Gong, H. et al. Dietary Milk Fat Globule Membrane Restores Decreased Intestinal Mucosal Barrier Development and Alterations of Intestinal Flora in InfantFormulaFed Rat Pups. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 64, (2020). 
  12. Brink, L. R., Gueniot, J. P. & Lönnerdal, B. Effects of milk fat globule membrane and its various components on neurologic development in a postnatal growth restriction rat model. J. Nutr. Biochem. 69, 163–171 (2019). 
  13. Brink, L. R., & Lönnerdal, B. (2018). The role of milk fat globule membranes in behavior and cognitive function using a suckling rat pup supplementation model. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry, 58, 131–137, (2018) 
  14. Bhinder, G. et al. Milk Fat Globule Membrane Supplementation in Formula Modulates the Neonatal Gut Microbiome and Normalizes Intestinal Development. Sci. Rep. 7, 1–15 (2017). 
  15. Veereman-Wauters, G. et al. Milk fat globule membrane (INPULSE) enriched formula milk decreases febrile episodes and may improve behavioral regulation in young children. Nutrition 28, 749–752 (2012). 
  16. Boyle, N.B., Dye, L., Arkbåge, K., Thorell, L., Frederiksen, P., Croden, F. & Lawton, C. Effects of milk-based phospholipids on cognitive performance and subjective responses to psychosocial stress: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in high-perfectionist men. Nutrition. 2019 Jan;57:183-193 (2018) 
  17. Hellhammer, J., Waladkhani, A., Hero, T. & Buss, C. Effects of milk phospholipid on memory and psychological stress response , British Food Journal, Vol. 112 No. 10, pp. 1124-1137 (2010)  
  18. Ten Bruggencate, S., Frederiksen, P. D., Pedersen, S. M., Floris-Vollenbroek, E. G., Lucas-van de Bos, E., van Hoffen, E. & Wejse, P. L. Dietary Milk-Fat-Globule Membrane Affects Resistance to Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in Healthy Adults in a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Study12, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 146, Issue 2, Pages 249-255 (2016) 
  19. Cermak, N.M., Res, P.T., de Groot, L.C., Saris, W.H. & van Loon L.J. Protein supplementation augments the adaptive response of skeletal muscle to resistance-type exercise training: a meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr.; 96(6):1454-64 (2012) 
  20. Jyväkorpi, S.K., Niskanen, R.T., Markkanen, M., Salminen, K., Sibakov, T., Lehtonen, K.M., Kunvik, S., Pitkala, K.H., Turpeinen, A.M. & Suominen, M.H. Effect of Milk Fat Globule Membrane- and Protein-Containing Snack Product on Physical Performance of Older Women-A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients.;15(13):2922 (2023) 
  21. Vors, C., Joumard-Cubizolles, L., Lecomte, M., Combe, E., Ouchchane, L., Drai, J., Raynal, K., Joffre, F., Meiller, L., Le Barz, M., Gaborit, P., Caille, A., Sothier, M., Domingues-Faria, C., Blot, A., Wauquier, A., Blond E, Sauvinet, V., Gésan-Guiziou, G., Bodin, J.P., Moulin, P., Cheillan. D., Vidal, H., Morio, B., Cotte, E., Morel-Laporte, F., Laville, M., Bernalier-Donadille, A., Lambert-Porcheron, S., Malpuech-Brugère, C. & Michalski, M.C. Milk polar lipids reduce lipid cardiovascular risk factors in overweight postmenopausal women: towards a gut sphingomyelin-cholesterol interplay. Gut.;69(3):487-501. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-318155. (2019) 
  22. Naomi Davies, Christopher Frampton, Maher Fuad, Rebecca Slykerman. The effect of supplementation with milk fat globule membranes on psychological health: A randomized clinical trial in healthy adults with moderate stress. Journal of Functional Foods,Volume 105, (2023)