PhD students

It takes 2-3 months for a typical PhD student to set up a trial, whereas it takes us around one day. Usually, it’s also far too costly for a student to set up what they need, but they can come here for 2-3 weeks and we’ll help them in a wide variety of ways - making the most of synergy between the universities and us. So we are helping to empower experimental research at many different levels.

With our new innovation centre, we can literally go from a few grams in the lab to producing metric tonnes in our pilot plant within just a few months. And that goes for every grade of feed or food. We can ensure that there’s enough material at the quality required for people to work with - removing one of the classic bottlenecks of new product development.

What makes this possible? We have people with a deep, scientific under standing of the ideas born in the labs of our customers or academia. They can grab an idea and quickly get it onto the right development track.

To the right you can see video testimonials with Anders Mellemkjær, MD, PhD student, Aarhus University Hospital. And below our collaboration model.

Our collaboration model with PhD students

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