Affordable nutrition in a dried date snack

Pakistan produces more than half a million tons of dates each year, but around 25% of the vitamin-rich crop is lost post-harvest.

At Arla Foods Ingredients, we are working with GAIN 

and local partners in Pakistan to transform surplus dates into a fruit bar. The objective is to build a complete production value chain, drawing on experience from a previous fruit project in Ethiopia.

Enriched with dairy protein, the bar is designed to provide low-income families with an easily accessible and affordable source of nutrition – supporting the effort to reduce malnutrition and its widespread impact on the growth of young children.

The project is also expected to create new jobs in Pakistan’s fruit processing sector.

Our application team has developed the recipe for the fruit bar.

Denmark’s development cooperation Danida is supporting the project with funding.

From waste to food in Pakistan

From waste to food in Pakistan

Arla Foods Ingredients is part of a waste-to-food initiative that could transform the dairy industry in Pakistan. Along with GAIN and the SUN Business Network, we’re working with Pakistani cheese dairies to transform whey side streams into a nutritious, affordable drink for children and young women.

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